Fall Meeting

Health Physics Society: Update from the National President-Elect - Darrel Fisher, Ph.D., Pacific Northwest National Lab


I am pleased to be able to visit your chapter and to report on the state of affairs in the Health Physics Society. We live in a world that changes rapidly and presents many new and interesting challenges every day. Having served the Health Physics Society as a plenary member since 1976 in many capacities, I have seen many shifts and changes in the economy, federal and state policies, university teaching programs, nuclear and terrorist events, and the practice of radiation protection in its diverse forms and specialties. The Health Physics Society has endured for more than 55 years. But we’ve had recent challenges, experiencing both increasing costs and membership declines. At the same time, we have outstanding scientific programs, valued member services, high-quality publications, and strong student support. I would like to provide an update on:

Your feedback will be important. I look forward to meeting each one of you.

Dr. Fisher’s biographical sketch